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We work with clients on an on-going basis to regularly review sales and marketing activity, measure how well it’s working and make recommendations.
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Unfortunately there’s no silver bullet, no template plan to be followed; the choice of sales and marketing activities and the mix needed to be successful are different for every business.
We use our experience to get started, then systematically explore possibilities; do more of what works, cut back on what doesn’t deliver. It’s a journey of discovery to find what works best. We’re there to guide clients along the way, build up skills, enable them to be more self sufficient in the new digital era.
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We keep it simple & concise
It’s a roadmap to get to where you want to be
We’ll set objectives, define what success looks like
It’s a process, it’s a working document
Act, measuring results
Review, learn & refine the plan
You know your business, we know sales and marketing; together we can develop the optimal way to achieve your business objectives.
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If we can measure it, you can manage it.
We take a holistic approach, defining a pipeline for your business encompassing sales and marketing
By setting objectives at every stage and recording how we’re doing against them we can easily identify what’s working, what needs attention.
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An independent review of a critical deal or a major account will identify things your could do better, risks you could mitigate, opportunities to exploit
Our deal planners and account planners (freely available under Resources) provide a proven and highly effective structure for the process
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We can provide a range of options from informal mentoring to structured training; it’s always tailored to suit specific business needs
We have a number of methods we use such as “Selling Conversations” for sales training which is simple but highly effective. A taster is available under Resources.