[two_third][separator headline=”h1″ title=”I’m David Thornley”]

I’ve had the good fortune to have worked with many outstanding individuals and some highly successful companies. I’ve learned a great deal in the process and now work with a handful of clients helping them using the knowledge and techniques I’ve gained.

Much of my experience has been in the highly competitive, rapidly changing, hi-tech sector. Here, I established a reputation for growing business and opening new markets both in senior management roles and as a hands on individual contributor.

I’ve worked in startups, such as Pyramid Technology where I grew a $35m European business from zero to established companies like Hyperion, where I opened up totally new lines of business.

As founder of Adara Associates, “the sales pipeline engineers” I’ve helped over 50 businesses, make their sales and marketing work better. Adara provide a combination of consultancy and services much of it focused on helping clients become more customer focused and less product centric. In practise this ranges from re-developing web sites through lead generation to sales training. I’m proud to say that every client has had positive things to say about us and there are many success stories.

Much of my Adara activity involved process improvement and the use of CRMs resulting in extensive experience of such systems. Frustrated with the tools available we developed our own system (ConversationalCRM) that combined marketing automation with a conversation centric CRM in order to deliver an “out of the box” solution suitable for SME’s.

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[separator headline=”h2″ title=”About Almeisan”]

Almeisan is a specialist unlike many business advisors; we focus on one critical need, helping clients adapt to be able to exploit the opportunities of the digital era that’s having such an impact of the way we buy and sell.

We recognise that Start-ups and SME’s need to emulate many of the successful ways of Enterprise class organisations although they lack their resources. Our approach, tools & techniques are all designed to enable smaller organisations to sell effectively against larger, world class competition and make the most of limited budgets.

We’re a low overhead, agile business exploiting a network of experienced individuals that can become a team to meet the specific needs of a client. This way we can bring general management and specialist experience together to provide advice and support on an “as needed” and cost effective basis.

We have a network of partners that we know well who can deliver the specialist services needed to make your sales and marketing work effectively. We’ll happily work with your partners if they can do the job, if not we’ll help you find one that can.


[one_third_last][member name=”David Thornley” role=”Specialist Business Advisor” img=”http://almeisan.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/david_picture.png” twitter=”http://twitter.com/David_at_Adara/” facebook=”http://facebook.com”  linkedin=”http://uk.linkedin.com/in/davidgthornley”]Making your sales & marketing work better in the digital era[/member]


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[testimonial author=”Steven Waters, Director”]Completely transformed our approach and this is borne out by the results.[/testimonial]


[testimonial author=”David Barret, Client Manager”]…enthusiasm and creativity made for a most successful relationship that delivered real results.[/testimonial]

[button link=”http://www.almeisan.co.uk/testimonials” size=”default” target=”_self”  color=”default” lightbox=”false”]More Testimonials[/button]


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